Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Larby Amirouche On Why Use Page Optimizer Pro

Page Optimizer Pro (POP) is an SEO tool made by SEO expert, Kyel Roof. POP is a great recommendation if you’re looking for a tool to compare your website and your on-page SEO to your competitors.

For Larby Amirouche this is a worth it investment for your SEO campaign. It only costs $10 for 10 reports. You can also pay $39 to get unlimited websites you can put through it.

Here Larby Amirouche will share a few more reasons why you should use Page Optimizer Pro. Take some notes because this will help you rank up on SERPs.

Larby Amirouche On Why Use Page Optimizer Pro

Simple and Easy To Use

The initial thing you most probably love about POP is that it’s simple and easy to use.

The commands of this tool are straightforward to understand. Also, it recommends specific and easy to implement action. So even if you are fairly new about SEO, this might help you.

There’s not much of a learning curve to using POP and this tool can almost adapt to all kinds of marketing strategy you are currently working on.

If you use this tool soon, you will realize that getting up to speed and maximising POP’s usage takes almost no time and energy.

Content Guidelines

As mentioned, POP gives recommendations and included on this list is the content guidelines. When you sign up for POP — we’ll discuss further later — it will ask you a series of questions and from that this tool will give you a report.

Surprisingly, the report will include target word count, optimal keyword usage and where those keywords should be going within the content layout. What SEO tool can provide that kind of information?

This is a helpful feature from POP because before you can rank on Google or any other search engine, you need the best quality content.

Also, POP demonstrates how you should structure your content and optimize it to be in direct competition with the top-ranking pages for your focus keyword.

Repurpose Your Content

Because POP gives you the exact guidelines you should follow to rank your content. You can now use your old content and optimize it for better rankings.

Using POP, you can analyse older, poorly performing, content to find what adjustments it needs to push it up the results page.

Reusing or rewriting your old content can save you time, money, and energy creating new content because you already have something you can just improve.

Step-By-Step Page Optimizer Pro Tutorial

Here is a detailed tutorial on using POP:

STEP 1: Log In to POP

After logging in you will receive an email and a free report balance — based on your answers — to do some optimization of your own articles.

STEP 2: Create a project

Before you get started, you need to create a new project. This will basically hold all of the reports you run for each of your articles/keywords.

So if you only have one website, you’ll only create one project and because it is easy to navigate POP here’s some simple steps:

  1. Click on “Projects on the top left of your screen;
  2. Click the big blue “+” sign;
  3. Enter a name for your project/site (make sure it is easy to find especially if you have several sites);
  4. Enter your domain;
  5. Click “Add Project”

After this, you will see a popup asking you to confirm you have entered the correct domain. Double-check it, and if everything looks good click OK. After clicking “OK”, you will create a new project.

  1. View the best practices (recommended)
  2. Create a new page for this project

STEP 3: Create a new page

You must read the best practices first before proceeding on creating a new page. You will just simply click the big blue “+” sign to create.

Next step is you will provide POP all about the keyword you want to rank also the content or pages that might have it.

Here are the easy steps to do it:

  1. Add the keyword into the “page name” field followed by the ID of the post
  2. Enter the URL of your existing post, OR check the “I haven’t built this page” box
  3. Paste your chosen keyword into the “Keyword” field
  4. Select your language
  5. Select the country you want your keyword to rank in
  6. Click “Google search for selected location”

After you finish these steps, POP will start to work and once it has run its course, you will get back a list of the top-ranking pages for your keyword.

STEP 4: Choose your competitors

You need to do this step perfectly because choosing the wrong competitors will make all these SEO efforts a waste.

You’ll be given the option of letting POP select your competitors for you, however, the best way to do it is to do it yourself.

How to Choose Your Competitors?

You need to select 10 “competitors” from the list provided. However, don’t just check off the top 10 because they may not be “true” competitors. Look for pages that have created the same sort of page that you intend to build or currently have.

You just need to tick off boxes beside your competitor’s site.

  1. Click on the headline of each of the competitor sites and make sure they really are your competitors.
  2. Click the checkboxes on those sites that pass your manual check

Optional but recommended step: Choose Your Focus Competitors

By choosing your focus competitors you will have a second set of metrics. This is not always necessary to do and whether you utilise this feature is going to be case-by-case.

However, this can help you to further optimise your page to specifically emulate your strongest competitors’ content because you narrowed them down.

The final step for you is to wait for an “Express Report” from POP. This will contain all the necessary information for you to jumpstart your SEO strategy for your site.

Final Thoughts

For Larby Amirouche, to be able to achieve success every business owner must take risks. For now you might be unfamiliar with Page Optimization Pro but with research and by asking your colleagues you’ll realize this is a great investment.

Even though there are tons of free SEO tools that can be used as alternatives, Larby Amirouche thinks that you don’t need to cost down when it comes to SEO.

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