Thursday, October 1, 2020

Gives Tips On Building Your Blog Followers

Time and time again, blogging has proven that it is a great source of income. Whether the blogger does it full time or just a hobby, it is a creative way to make some money.

However, before you turn your blogs into cash, you should have a good number of followers. Most probably you are here to know what Larby Amirouche has for you.

Larby Amirouche is a digital marketing trendsetter and he is the perfect guy to give you tips on how you can jumpstart your blogging career.

These tips will help you whether you’re trying to increase your blog visits, turn random visitors into dedicated blog subscribers, or promote your blog in new ways. Moreover, Larby Amirouche will share on how you can skyrocket your blog readership, blog subscribers, and paying customers.

Larby Amirouche on How To Grow Your Blog Followers?

Here are a few easy tips from Larby Amirouche that you can use to get more readers and blog subscribers.

1. Create a Network

To be successful in this career, the first thing you need to do is to surround yourself with people with the same interest. Aim to network with all kinds of bloggers - those who are just starting out, the more experienced, and the kings/queens of the blogging world.

Never be intimidated rather take it as an opportunity to learn from the more seasoned bloggers.

2. Be Present on Social Media

After you created your network, you should also interact with them, moreover, with your existing followers.

Aside from your actual social media pages, you should also join and interact in Twitter Chats and Facebook groups.

Don’t be afraid to offer support to other bloggers who seek help.

There are non-blogging Facebook groups which are also great. You can join groups about your niche, this will also give you the latest and the trends within your chosen topic.

Always be mindful. You join these groups to interact and grow your network, do not self-promote without being asked.

They often provide opportunities for you to share your blog posts so you can get more blog followers and network with followers of your niche.

3. Share Other Blogs

Another way to grow your followers is by helping your co-bloggers. You can share a few blogs from time to time especially when it falls under your niche.

Most probably, when that particular blogger you helped by sharing her work will appreciate your gesture and do the same for you.

By doing this, her followers will be aware about your blog and a number of those could actually subscribe to your blog.

4. Post on Your Social Media Page/s

For your blog to reach more audience, you should share it to a platform where there are more users - social media.

If you have several social media pages, you can use social media scheduling tools so you can plan ahead and never miss out any channel.

However, take note that each platform requires a different tone, therefore, you need to understand the requirements before you post.

Note from Larby Amirouche: You need to remember that when you have a social media page, you need to engage with your followers.

There are chances that these users that follow you on these channels are not aware of your blog so it is a great way to increase your number of followers.

5. Quality > Quantity on Photos

In this digital era, people are getting more visual. They get more instantly engaged on photos, videos, more than text.

This is the reason why you need to post a good quality photo. You can use several editing tools to enhance your photos. Alternatively, you can rely on Google Images just make sure it is not licensed or owned by anyone.

6. Learn and Understand SEO

Most probably, this is one of the most important skills a blogger must acquire aside from writing. SEO will change your blogging life. Search engine optimization has tons of strategies on how you can get more traffic and followers.

It is also the tool that will help you in ranking on SERPs.

When creating an SEO-friendly blog you need to answer questions that people type into the Google search bar.

Moreover, you must plan your articles. Take note what keywords you will be using for a particular blog. When you are already decided, use these keywords in the following:

  • Headline
  • Permalinks (the weblink for your article)
  • First 100 words
  • A variation in a subheading (H2)
  • Image alt tag (found when you upload to media)
  • Meta description 

Final Thoughts

Larby Amirouche thinks that the best way to grow your followers is consistency. Everytime you publish a new blog post it is a new opportunity for someone to find your business’s website and learn about who you are and what you offer.

You must dedicate time in content creation more and create blogs that answer questions for your target customer.

When you write blogs that are relevant, you’re building a trusting relationship that in turn helps them feel comfortable investing in you as a business partner or solution provider. You also establish authority within your niche, especially with how-to blogs.

Moreover, Larby Amirouche believes that blogging is very much about developing skills because you are sharing your life with your audience.

Actually, you can start your blogging career anytime. Through your journey in gaining followers, try to enjoy the experience, take pleasure in writing, and read and learn from other blogs within your chosen niche.

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